Every holiday season, my mother used to tell me, "Kids make Christmas fun and special. You get to live it all over again." She desperately wanted grandchildren. My wife and I had a black Lab. What more could Mom want?
Fast forward seven years:
Saturday we took Brady, our twenty month old son, to get pictures with Santa. It was right in the middle of the day, and the holiday shoppers were out in full force. Once inside the mall, we headed straight for Santa. Walking and talking, we suddenly came to a halt. The scene was straight out of "A Christmas Story", the line circling forever. And there we were, at the end of it.

Brady was not about to stand still, of course. I did everything I could to entertain him. We even made eight trips up the escalator. What seemed like an eternity, was actually but an hour. Finally, it was our turn!
All went well. Brady did not cry like some of the other kids. He didn't attempt to wiggle out of the old man's lap. He just... stared at him. Quickly, the pictures were taken, the money grubbing elves waved goodbye and we headed home.
As we turned the corner into our subdivision, all of a sudden, my wife excitedly remembered, "The Christmas parade is in 45 minutes!" We hurriedly cleaned up, changed clothes, and headed for downtown. Santa was on his way!

We managed to find a close parking space. Then we briskly walked towards the crowd and found a good spot among the parade watchers. This was going to be fun!
It was somewhat cold and the wind made it a bit worse. We did all we could do to keep our little man warm. While we waited, pictures were taken and Brady was entertained. Let the festivities begin already!

It was a traditional, small town parade. We saw firetrucks and high school bands. The beauty queens were perched on sports cars, with their signature wave. We even saw horses, old timey cars and singing school kids riding on floats. We felt the holiday spirit, indeed.
The ending was a bit lame, however. Santa and Mrs. Claus did not bring the Christmas parade to an end riding high up on a big, red sleigh. Instead, we saw the famous Christmas couple in a small, dinky little train. Oh well.

After the parade had ended, we were too excited to go home. We decided to ride around town again and look at more Christmas lights. Our little man could be heard in the back seat exclaiming, "Wow!" The next thing we knew, Brady was sound asleep. So we headed home.
Mom, you were right. Kids make Christmas special.
Merry Christmas!
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Hi Honey!
I thoroughly enjoyed going out and about yesterday with you and Brady.
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
I looove you,
I totally agree that kids make Christmas more special. Their excitement is contagious. Love them!
Dropped EC here. :)
Susan - Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! :) I'm glad you like the blog.
Paul - Hey there handsome! I had a great time too. Nice post! :)
Arlene - Yes, and we're all big kids aren't we? Well, at least I am. Who says you gotta grow up? :) But you're right, the little ones make it tons of fun. My friends joke with me saying, "You were this close!" - meaning, just two more years and my youngest (then Dylan) would be grown and I'd be 'free' of the kids. What they don't get is that I LOVE kids and am excited to have seventeen more years of a kiddo being in the house. What's funny is that I'll be raising a little one right along side grandchildren! :) My daughter and son-in-law plan on starting a family in the not-too-distant future. Thanks for dropping by!
What a magical night for Brady! Mom says she remembers well the Christmas Parade in the small town where she grew up. The parade came right up her street and right past her house! Santa always rode on the Fire Truck and waved right at her! Mom and our Aunties could barely contain their excitement as they whispered under their covers until they fell asleep on Christmas Eve!
Magical Memories! Mom is very old now - 54! She and our Aunties still talk about those days!
I remember great moments with my son...thanks for bringing them back...great post and memories to look back on for Brady...Best of wishes for the coming holiday.
what a sweet post and he looks just like Paul! Sounds like you had a lot of fun.
enjoy them while they are young. They grow up to quick. Willy's little girl is 25 and married.
10-4 Willy
Gandalf & Grayson - Mom is not old! :) We had a great time. Barb, thanks for sharing your childhood Christmas memories. Aren't you glad you had siblings to share those times with? My three brothers and I love getting together and laughing about all the shenanigans we did as kids.
Jude - We're looking forward to many more adventures with Brady. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Thanks for the warm wishes. I hope you have a wonderful holiday as well!
Workout Mommy - We had a great time. I know, it's funny how much he looks like Paul! :) When Brady was a newborn, I saw the resemblance but he had brown hair then. Now that he's turned into a blondie, it's unmistakable!
Hillbilly Willy - You're absolutely right... they grow up way too fast. I have a 26 year-old daughter who is also married and they want to start a family of their own soon. :)
Young Brady looked rather worn out -- rather like how a youngster looks throughout the course of a young day.
It seems that you and Paul enjoyed the festivities. Those memories are important, aren't they?
Love the Christmas-themed icon, by the way.
So, merry Christmas!
I meant "throughout the course of a long day."
Maybe I'm worn out, too!
Hi Laura,
I left you a message at:
Hurry on over! :)
Hawg - I knew what you meant! :) Yes, he was worn out from the Santa Claus adventure at the mall. That boy can't stand (or sit) still. I saw many people doing the Santa hat thing and I couldn't resist. Hee hee! I mean HO! HO! Merry Christmas to you and the family, Ethan!
Windmill - Thank you for the friendship award. You are so very thoughtful. Thanks again for the PC help. I downloaded the software and it is working GREAT! Have a great day and Merry Christmas to you and yours! :)
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