Mondays are my least favorite day of the week but aside from that, it was a good day. Paul and I took our Pops with a 10 oz. glass of freshly extracted juice (carrots, celery, tomato and apple). (Note: In regards to the Pops, I take a purple in the morning and a green before going to bed.)
I work on a team made up of seven women. They are the best group of girls I've ever been associated with. We often go out to lunch together and many times we have an office party where we all bring a dish and eat it in the break room.
This Thursday, we are celebrating one of our coworker's birthdays. His name is Vlad and he's a hoot! I can't remember exactly where he's from, but it's around Bosnia. He has a funny accent (I'm sure he thinks the same about us) and talks very fast. A few months ago, Vlad invited us over to his house for lunch. He cooked burgers and we girls brought chips, dips, and dessert. We had a great time.
A couple of weeks ago, Vlad dropped by to visit (he works a couple of aisles over from us) and told us his birthday was coming up and asked if we wanted to bring food to celebrate. My team jumps on any reason to get together for a party so we agreed.
Everyone decided on Mexican as the theme. I love Mexican food and worry I'll be tempted to eat. I don't want to tell my team I'm fasting because they will give me a hard time about it (especially if they find out I'm doing an extended fast). So guess who'll be working from home Thursday? You betcha! I'm lucky to have that option; otherwise, I'd have to take a vacation day.
We like Monday night football because we get to see Dylan play more. High school football is so much fun.
That's all I've got for now. Until tomorrow...
Today's Stats
Weight: 227.8 / Total Lost: 13 lbs.

Related Article:
Breaking the Chains of Food Addiction - Starting A Fast
© 2008 Thanks for taking the time to read A Junk-Foodaholic's Journey to a Healthy Lifestyle. Please feel free to peruse my blog for more great content.
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We won our game Friday night! I love high school football, it's such fun!
I'd skip out on the Mexican food too. I might be able to ignore the meal, but the chips and salsa would be so hard to resist. (not to mention the margarita!)
Can I go in your place instead?
Doris - Boy, me too! Yummy chips and salsa! I can make a meal out of it. :)
Paul - You wish! :)
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