However, opting for a healthier figure, is said to have ruined her catwalk and magazine career.
The 22-year-old blonde has gone up a dress size to a perfect 10 and now is being shunned by modeling agencies for being too fat.
Coleman said, “I really think the curvy girl should be promoted more as a positive image in the media. But the agencies seemed to have a problem with me when I wasn’t skinny any more.”
Eating disorder specialist Emmy Gilbert added: “The fashion world endorses an ideal which can be unattainable or, if achieved, highly dangerous.”
Laura is set to take part in The Miss World pageant in Johannesburg, South Africa, December 13th.
Source: here
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Good for you Laura! We totally don't understand the whole skinny models business. Designers design for a niche that is practically nonexistent, charge prices no average person can afford for clothes that nobody actually likes and creates young girls with eating disorders that are life threatening.
I find it so sad that we live in a society where it's trendy to be so super thin. I admit I was once a size 1. It took my mother's bout with osteoporosis to realize why being healthy had nothing to do with being thin. Now, I am perfectly healthy at a size 6, with muscle on my arms and legs, and a little fat here and there too. I stopped buying designer clothing long ago because it just promotes unhealthy habits for so many little girls.
Thanks for sharing.
Good for Laura! Beauty, brains AND common sense.
She's beautiful, and it's a sad statement that she is getting less work since she became (to me at least) yet more beautiful.
As a fit, curvy girl myself, I say that these standards need to be changed! It's only 1% of the entire ADULT female population that wears less than a size two.
Women need to start boycotting these magazines and designers who promote this unrealistic ideal of what a woman should look like.
You will NEVER see me reading Glamour, WWD, Elle, etc, and I don't support any designers that use anorexic, drug addicted looking models in their print ads and shows, and that basically means ALL of them.
Other women should really follow suit. You stop giving them $$$$ and supporting their businesses, and THEN you will see this change!
We help create this by condoning it.
You have to be kidding. Well, no you aren't. This is a shame. She's a beautiful young woman who ISN'T fat.
Have a great day. :)
My goodness -
She's absolutely gorgeous!
The fashion industry is totally nuts!
From my common views, she's gorgeous. But, from the fashion oriented views might be she needs some further arrangements. This happened to my daughter who willing to be a model and she starts eat in a small portion.
Way to go Laura. It is a shame that a size 10 is overweight.
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Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
p.s. I think she is beautiful!
I do not like to see very tall skinny skeletal models. The sizes of today however are much larger than they used to be. If you happen upon some old 1960 or 1970's clothing and try it on you may be shocked to find that the now English size 10 was in fact size 14 or 16 in the 1960's and 1970's. Women had definite waistlines and the average was between 23 to 26 inch waist. Nowadays many peoples waistlines have crept up to 30 to 32 inches. Many females forms have changed and do not indent to form a thin waist no matter how thin they are in appearance. Perhaps this is the food that is eaten or just a complete change in life styles
Is the photo of her at a size 10? Regardless, she looks gorgeous!
I remember when I wore a size 8 and was sick as a dog (I became a size 8 not by my own doing but as a result of being sick as a dog.) This striving to be a size 0 is crazy and out of control.
Most people don't realize Marilyn Monroe was a size 12.
The world is going crazy. No wonder there are so many girls with eating disorders and poor body image - and these girls are getting younger by the day. A size 10 is already reasonably thin - I don't know how anyone could possibly describe a size 10 as overweight. What is their problem??
That woman looks perfect. What is wrong with fashion designers who want walking hangers?
Maybe Sir Mix a Lot will design clothes...
I think we all agree that Miss England is gorgeous and that being a size 10 is in no way overweight. Thank you all for joining in the conversation!
Gandalf & Grayson - I don't understand it either. It's totally unrealistic. I agree with you on your point about designers and the clothes they produce (ugly and expensive) as well as the effect their unrealistic expectations put on young girls. It's CRAZY!
Doris - Wow a size 1 huh? That's tiny alright! You look fantastic and healthy at a size 6 so congratulations to you! :)
Hilary - Yes, I agree. Miss England has it all going for her. I applaud her decision to 'go healthy'.
Ari - I'm sure she will not suffer from lack of work but I agree that it's sad that the designing world shuns women with flattering curves.
Diva - I'm all about curves! :) And you're right! If we stop buying the magazines, the clothes, etc. they will get the message. It always comes down to supply and demand.
Sandee - I agree! She's absolutely gorgeous.
Dawn - They are crazy!
Partoba - That's true. If she wanted to get a modeling contract, she could lose weight but I applaud her decision to remain a healthy weight.
Tammy - Yup... it's nuts!
Eduardo - Thanks for visiting!
Polly - Yeah, I think it's interesting that the designers changed the sizes to make women feel thinner than they really are. I also find it interesting how when you go to try clothes on, you have to take a couple sizes into the dressing room because the clothing sizes are different from designer to designer and you don't know what will fit.
La - Re: Marilyn Monroe being a size 12. Isn't it funny that many considered her to be plus-sized? She was absolutely gorgeous! No, this picture is of Miss England at a size 8. I know for a fact that going up to a size 10 did not make her fat. I'm sure she is a bit curvier - which to me is more beautiful.
Brigitte - I don't get it either! The world is going nuts!
Dwacon - I agree, she is a perfect '10'! :)
I have gave you some linky love for being a top dropper thanks so much.
Ask Ms Recipe
Ms Recipe - Thanks! I appreciate it.
Paul - Dream on, Stud.
he even applying to agencies?????????
During the competition for Miss England, she was saying that she
“hated the modeling industry” and she “would much rather be a beauty
queen any day than a model” She used her bad experiences in the
industry to win public votes. Once she won in she was quoted as saying
she “Hopes her new title will help her have a successful modeling
career” Shes a hypocrite. She completely slated the industry to win the
title, so i’m not surprised agencies are turning her away. She gave the
industry a bad name…and now shes trying to be a be a part of the
industry. Like i said…HYPOCRITE.
PLUS agencies are also saying they have turned her away because she does not have the right look. The press just like to focus on the fact they one agency said she was too large.
Rodney - You know a lot more about Miss England than I do so I really can't say much. Thanks for commenting!
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