While vacationing on the beach in North Carolina last month, I hurt my left hamstring walking down four flights from the beach condo. I still can't believe I got hurt walking down stairs! Anyway, I hurt my leg bad enough that it took three weeks to heal. I've been walking instead of doing any running. I planned on running last Monday but my left knee hurt too much. I think I hurt it in my sleep. It's weird. Every once in awhile, out of the clear blue, my knee will start hurting. Sometimes I feel like I'm falling apart!
I've been eating low carb for the last ten days. Last Monday was a week on the plan and I had lost 5 pounds. Yea yea yea! My goal is to lose 2 pounds per week.

The special effects were incredible. It is definitely the best Potter movie to date. My favorite parts of the movie are the scenes between Ron and Hermione. Oh, young love! I cried when Ron was lying on the hospital bed and he called out Hermione's name. I know, I'm a sucker for love stories. Dylan's favorite part of the movie was when they were playing Quidditch. He said, "Man, why don't they have more Quidditch scenes!?" I had to agree. The Quidditch scene was so cool! After watching the movie, I've decided to read the books, Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows again. Now to find the time!

Thanks for reading!

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I hate it when I hurt myself and then it takes so long to heal up. I hate it even worse when I'm no vacation and hurt myself. I've done it more than once too.
Sorry to see you leaving Entrecard, but that's how I found you and you are in my Google reader.
Excellent on the weight loss. It's really hard to do and when you get older it's even harder.
Have a terrific day. :)
Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your injuries, but I hope you will be all healed up soon.
So, why are you leaving Entrecard? Just curious.
Great work on the weight loss! I've still been doing pretty well. I think the last time I came by here I'd only lost a few pounds or so. Now I'm only about five pounds away from my goal. I've lost 45 pounds in a year and a half.
Awww, Laura....sorry to hear that you got hurt. Also sad to see you go. I knew something was up when I didn't see both you and Paul's cards in the category anymore.
Well, good luck to you, and thanks so much for the parting gift!
I wish you well!
Thank you so very much for the goodbye gift. That was extremely thoughtful of you.
Have a terrific day. :)
Great review! I was wondering what you thought of this flick - I'll have to check it out now.
I'm sorry that you got hurt. I've heard that it is more dangerous going downhill, than uphill. I want to thank you very much for your goodbye gift. I hate to see you go, but I truly understand why. I will probably be heading-out as well, fairly soon. I've bookmarked your site, so I can visit.
Once again, thank you and I hope your leg gets to feeling better soon:)
Walking for awhile instead of running may be a good idea. Really give yourself time to heal.
Sorry to hear you're leaving EC, I'm hopeful with new leadership things there will calm down.
Good luck
Hope you are healed up well by now. I have found as I get older, I have to stretch to do the most mundane things I used to take for granted, such as playing basketball and golf, lest I will pull something badly (besides the ball :-) )
Great Vacation Stories, too bad about the tightly wound cop!
To Your Health!
James Reno (editor)
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Healthier Living
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