Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"I Can Make You Thin with Paul McKenna"

Paul McKenna's book I Can Make You ThinI saw a couple of previews of TLC's "I Can Make You Thin with Paul McKenna" and thought it looked interesting but soon forgot about it. Then while channel-surfing Monday night I stumbled upon it.

My daughter, Rachael, was in her room studying for a test. So I ran to tell her "I Can Make You Thin with Paul McKenna" was on so she could watch it while she studied... yeah right. I then went back into the kitchen to watch it at the bar.

At the next commercial break, I jumped up to go ask Rachael what she thought about the show. We met each other in the hallway, and together exclaimed, "This is great!" We then ran into the living room to watch the rest of the show together.

The show we watched was called, "Overcoming Emotional Eating". I don't know about you, but I need all the help I can get in that area.

What is emotional eating? For example, let's say your boss berates you in front of your peers, so you go to McDonald's for lunch and you order a Quarter Pounder with cheese meal and when the lady asks if you want to super-size your order you say, "Yep! Super-size it and give me a large chocolate shake too." Or your dog dies so you sit with it's picture and a half-gallon of ice cream to help numb the pain. (No need for more scenarios, you get the picture. )

McKenna explained how people use food to self-medicate against feelings of boredom, sadness, anger, and anxiety.

To battle emotional eating, he demonstrated a tapping technique designed to help people discover whether they want to eat because they are hungry or because they want to change the way they feel.

The way it works is that you tap on accupressure points when you are experiencing a craving. He asked the studio audience to imagine a scenario that would trigger an emotional eating binge, then to rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 and then follow his tapping technique.

In the link above, McKenna demonstrates the Thought Field Therapy (TFT) technique on his British show aired in January (a clip from TLC's show was not available). He attributes the discovery of this compulsion/craving-killing exercise to U.S. clinical psychologist Roger J. Callahan.

The theory is that our brain is like a computer and you can reprogram your brain by hitting certain accupressure points on your face and hand. It may take a few tries but McKenna says it actually works to release energy from those points and that is what helps kill the craving.

I can't wait to watch next weeks' show! You can go to Paul McKenna's website to join his free "I Can Make You Thin" club and as a member be able to watch several videos and join the community.

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